Friday, July 23, 2010

{VID} ss501 Kim Hyung Jun @MHigh - " Bad girl,good girl"

heheheheh...its Fri night/Sat morning on MHigh again.. (100724)
lets enjoy our HyungJun 's version of "Bad girl,good girl"

posted by: 19frantze1
credits : poohmuhigh@Ytube

{PIC} Zepp Tour Fukuoka 2010 ~ Hands UP! [21/07/10]

Picture: off shot

Posted by Paolavlsc
CREDITS: As tagged + Primadonna JP/ 홍스타 매니아 + MiinK@FTIsland
길가이버 @ 홍스타 매니아,

{VIDEO}SHINee - Comeback Stage. Lucifer + Up & down live 23/07/10

SHINee - Comeback Stage Up & down + LUCIFER live
SHINee made their comeback stage 2010/07/23 with the song LUCIFER + Up & down at @KBS Music Bank

Finally they did comeback stage ...!!!!! ^__^
Love the song but the camera is really not gud X_X

Posted by Paolavlsc
Cr:as tagged +Unknowncarrot150

{TRAN} ss501 Kim Kyu Jong 's letter after the Lasik

Our sweet prince KJ after the Lasik Surgery he had on 100716,wrote a letter...


Eyes. I think everyone knows that it is really important. Fyah~~~
My eyesight has not been good since young, so I had to wear glasses.
Then when I started my occupation as a celebrity, I started using contact lenses.
During my course of work, with the powerful lighting and overnight schedules, my eyes were tired and the lens strained my eyes. Therefore, I was recommended to go for lasik surgery. And I went to visit the hospital (ophthalmology). I listened to nurse noona explain about the surgery and through consultation with the Head Doctor (Head of hospital/clinic), I made up my mind to undergo the surgery. The surgery takes a short time of 20 minutes. But with that short time, now it has given me a bright life. Initially, I was half worried and half scared! It was really an easy surgery than I thought. There is absolutely no pain and I am able to get on with my daily life the day after the surgery. Because it is so good, I recommended to my mother who has been wearing glasses for over 20 years. I hope mother will also get really good results from it. Each and every day is great~~ Thank you~ Fyah

posted by: 19frantze1
credits: + + + (English Translation) xiaochu @

{VID} When ss501 Kim Hyun Joong met Oguri Shun - Don entert.(100722)

A showed the meeting that Hyun Joong & Oguri Shun had on 100720

posted by: 19frantze1
credits: myjm43love@Ytube