Saturday, August 7, 2010

{Twitter} Dna./The Boss Mika nd Injun's tweets [10/08/04-05-06-07]

Mika's tweet 04/08/10

@ChungJieun 빨리 복귀하시기바랍니다!!
@chungJieun Please return quickly!

Mika's tweet 050810 ひさしぶり injun^^ It's been a long time injun^^

Mika's tweet 070810

오늘 후속곡 첫방^^잘하구오께요^^
Today follow-up song performance^^I will do well^^

누나 ㅎㅎ고마워요!!잘할께요^^근데 대구는 왜가셨음??ㅎㅎ RT @yjgirl25: @Mika90628 후속곡 대박나라!! 힘내!ㅋㅋ
Noona* hehe Thank you!! I'll do well^^But why did you leave Daegu**?? Hehe RT @yjgirl25: @Mika90628 Follow-up song is really awesome***!! Himnae*!
*What a younger guy calls an older girl.**Daegu, a city in Korea; the boys were there awhile ago. (Mika's tweet about it here.)***Himnae is also a cheer, meaning along the lines of "go for it!" "come on!" or "you can do it!", similiar to hwaiting/fighting
---(Not sure about the translation for this. If anyone can correct/confirm, that'd be wonderful. ^^)---

Injun's tweet 050810

오늘은 하루도끄읏~~~~~~~ 비가보슬보슬오네요....ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 다들내일하루도 활기차고 기분좋게~~빨리가서자야지~~~~~~^^*
Today also~~~~~~~The rain is drizzling....ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Everybody for tomorrow, be in a good mood~~I'm going to hurry up and sleep~~~~~~^^*

@neocross96 이제더욱멋진모습보여드릴꺼에요~~~~^^ 기대해주세용^^
@neocross96 From now we will show you a more excellent side of us~~~~^^ Look foward to it^^

Injun's tweet 060810

@ukissSH 와우..부산저도가고싶어요형~~~~~
@ukissSH Wah...I also want to go to Busan* Hyung~~~~~

Today's the day I cut my hair~~~~ curious%%*
*I think he means ^^

내일음악방송도 최선을다해서~~~~ 아자아자!!!!!
Will do my best at tomorrow's music broadcast~~~~ahja ahja**!!!!!
** - 아자 (ahja) means like fighting!
Posted by paolavlsc
credits: x3sarang , injun nd mika's twitter , enchante forum , LuVukiss

{PIC} D-Na/The Boss 100805 ChungJuHo festival

Posted paolavlsc + LuVukiss