annyeong haseyo ^-^ we are fans of kpop... and mostly fan of : SS501 ^^ ( nd also Dalmatian, FTisland , Ukiss , The Boss, BigBang ..etc ) So,we will try to give info/updates bout them.... ^-^ Thanks for visiting..
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
{VID} ss501 Kim HyungJun - MHigh ENG SUB "Bad girl,good girl" 100724 is the VID w/ eng sub..thanks to mangosorbet for uploading..
heheheheh..its impossible not to love maknae!!!
posted by: 19frantze
credits: mangosorbet @Ytube
{VID} ss501 @ MTV - TAIWAN (JKPOP - 100726 )
posted by: 19frantze1
credits: ying5387isme6 @Ytube
{INFO} ss501 Park JungMin was spotted on a wedding party - 100711
{NEWS} BIGBANG will release 5th Japanese single “Beautiful Hangover”
Popular Korean group, BIGBANG has announced the release of their 5th Japanese singles album titled “Beautiful Hangover” slated for release on August 25th. There will be two versions of the singles album, a special Limited Edition and a Regular Edition. The Limited Edition comes with D-Lite’s (Daesung) mirror key chain.
8/25 (Wed)BIGBANG 5th Single 「BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER」 Release
【Limited Edition】 CD + Goods:¥1,800(approximately $21) *With D-LITE mirror key chain
【Regular Edition】 CD: ¥1,100(approximately $13)
<Track list>
CD Cover:
Posted by: paolavlsc
Credits: tokyohive
{INFO} SeungHyun’s Oricon Blog Update - 100726
きのう の こんさとも。。 ほんとうに たのしかったです!!!
Yesterday’s concert was.. really fun!!!
みなさん ほんとうに ありがとうございましだ^^
Everyone, thank you so much^^
Did you have fun?!
おさかの ふいんきが !!
The atmosphere at Osaka!!
It totally surprised me!!!
まなが すごいです!!!
The (concert) manners were amazing!
そして。。。。さいきん でんきが 。。。 あついですね??
Anyway…. the weather these days… isn’t it hot??
そですね??? みなさんも あせが いっぱいですか???
Isn’t it??? Is everyone perspiring a lot as well???
ぼくは。。。いまも あついですね~~~~
I’m… feeling so hot even right now~~~~
まいにちまいにち I’M HAPPY
Everyday everyday I’M HAPPY
あああああ。。。そして。。みなさん でらすいとよ???
AAAAAH… And.. All of you are dera suito*???
それでは、みなさん またあした あいましょう!!!!!
Well, see you all tomorrow again!!!!!
すろすろ。。。 おやすみなさい!!!!!!!!!!!ひひひひひひひひひひ。。
It’s time (for bed)… Goodnight!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehehehehehehehehe..
* Dera means very much in Nagoya dialect, and suito means like/love in Hakata(Fukuoka) dialect.
It’s similar to saying totemo suki in normal Japanese, or meccha sukiyanen in Osaka dialect.
Basically, Seunghyun has combined the two dialects that he picked up from the Nagoya and Fukuoka to express his love for his fans. ^^ He was probably wondering whether his dera suito would be understood, hence the question marks!
posted by :paolavlsc
credits : ftjmk +kfgmg+ crr
{NEWS} Ukiss members in a new drama " I am Legend" - 100727
Ukiss in a drama!!yeah!!exactly,what i was waiting see them acting on screen ^-^
Five of the seven talented members of popular boy idol group U-Kiss will be participating in a new SBS drama entitled I Am Legend.
According to the drama’s producer, the 5 members will be acting as a band with the name of Kiss Band who have been discovered by a manager named Kang Soo In (played by Jang Shin Young).
The members who are participating in the musical drama and band are: Dongho (drums), Kiseop (bass), Kevin (guitar), Kibum (keyboard), and Soohyun (vocalist).
Indie rock band Wiretap In My Ear were also invited to help teach the members more about rock and practicing acting in that sort of environment.
The first episode will air on August 2nd and will act as the successor for SBS Coffee House.
*******can't wait...this and w/ leader's drama nd w/ other ss501(KJ,JM,HJB)members on "Super Star"..the 2nd half of 2010,will be quite interesting!! ^-^ ********
posted by: 19frantze1
{INFO} Mblaq Lee Joon’s Got a New Acting Role
MBLAQ’s Lee Joon (22) is setting his feet on the drama screen for the first time, with his role as a pretty-boy top star.
Lee Joon was casted in “Stay-at-Home Mom Kim Kwang Ja’s Third Gathering,”* which is in the works by Kim Yoon Chul PD (producer), the one that made MBC’s “My Name is Kim Sam Soon” a hit. “Stay-at-Home Mom Kim Kwan Ja~” is a drama that begins with a basic plot about an ordinary women in her 40′s liking a pretty-boy idol star. The role of the main character Kim Kwang Ja is taken by Yang Mi Kyung.
On the 27th, a drama official revealed, “In the short-drama prepared by Kim Yoon Chul PD who hasn’t done a short-drama since ‘Queserasera’ three years ago, MBLAQ’s Lee Joon is casted as a pretty-boy star and will be acting alongside Yang Mi Kyung. Kim Kap Soo was casted as Yang Mi Kyung’s husband. It will be a fun story extending from the basic storyline of Yang Mi Kyung being active in top star Lee Joon’s fan club.”
Lee Joon has appeared shortly has Rain’s younger role in the hollywood movie “Ninja Assassin” in 2009, but this is his first full-scale acting. Other than Lee Joon, other MBLAQ members’ appearance doing a performance is also planned. The first shooting will begin next month.
This short-drama will be aired after MBC Weekend Drama “Kim Soo Ro,” and along with Kim Yoon Chul PD, other PD’s will also began showing their short-dramas
******hmmm...many idols going on acting,ne??good luck to LeeJoon********
posted by: 19frantze1
credits: Nate + Kbites + (Eng.Trans)euna@AbsoluteMBLAQ
{PIC} ss501 Kim Hyung Jun bought new furnitures
The message from Mirage employee to Hyung Jun and Hyung Jun’s signature
SS501 – Kim Hyung Jun – Visite Mirage buyer review
Now leader of the Hallyu Wave of course for domestic fans too
SS501 Kim Hyung Jun gave a visit to Mirage
It is too nice to actually meet you
Also I hope you can be excellent and good in the future
Thank you for visiting
- South Korean direct import antique furniture, Mirage employees ildung -
The import Mirage Furniture Hyung Jun bought:

******so cute in the pics ^-^ HyungJun bought many furnitures..hmmm,gifts for himself for his bday??********
posted by: 19frantze1
credits : 해린@SS601+ /
English Translation:
{PIC} Ukiss TWITTER update (DongHo+ Alexander) -100727
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I am a student♥♥
Later,Alexander tweeted too...commenting about DongHo's pic & he also uploaded a pic w/ a cake-present for him ^-^
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Good morning folks! Love our 막내 (magnae = youngest) like this!! so cute!♥ LOL~ RT @Dongho94: I am a student♥♥
어제 스타킹에서 키스미 한태 받는 예쁜 캐익~♥ 예쁘고 맛도좋아요~^-^ Received a beautiful cake from some KISS-ME fans yesterday @ StarKing~♥ 감

posted by: 19frantze1
credits: (alexander_0729 + DongHo94)@twitter
Good morning folks! Love our 막내 (magnae = youngest) like this!! so cute!♥ LOL~ RT @Dongho94: I am a student♥♥
어제 스타킹에서 키스미 한태 받는 예쁜 캐익~♥ 예쁘고 맛도좋아요~^-^ Received a beautiful cake from some KISS-ME fans yesterday @ StarKing~♥ 감

posted by: 19frantze1
credits: (alexander_0729 + DongHo94)@twitter
{VID} Shinee 's Onew's hilarious falls
Following the exciting release of SHINee’s new MV “Lucifer“, the band has begun their on stage “fan services”.
SHINee’s funniest moments were in these “fan services”. Fans of anime are probably familiar with a guy falling while waking on a banana.Well,yesterday while performing Lucifer for a “fan service”, Onew’s microphone slipped out of his hand, and at the same time, he fell on his back. Everybody started to laugh, but Onew continued like nothing happened.
Leader Onew is known for his comeback falls. In Ring Ding Dong, Onew also fell at a fan meeting event, but the reason for this slip was his hat. He didn’t fall completely, but it was kind of like a trip.
*****LOL!!poor leader Onew...but,nevertheless we still love you ^-^*****
posted by: 19frantze1
{INFO} ss501 Kim Hyun Joong w/ a new cosmetic comp.? - "NO confirmation yet"
There has been news reporting that there is high possibility for singer cum actor SS501 Kim HyunJoong to film a cosmetic CF with Bae YongJoon under the same company, the management company explains
“there is no confirmation yet.”
Management company Key East’s representative told Newsen through a telephone conversation on 27-Jul with regards to the news reports saying Kim HyunJoong recently signed an endorsement contract with cosmetic brand The Face Shop, they said
“It is true that we have received proposal (for contract) but no decision was made.”The representative added
“Some said that Bae YongJoon will be appearing for the CF with him, but this is definitely not confirmed for now.”The representative explains that since Kim HyunJoong moved to the same management company as Bae YongJoon, and that The Face Shop has used Hallyu Stars such as Kwon SangWoo, Jeon JiHyun, Bae YongJoon as their CF models, there is keen interest on the development.
Meanwhile, Kim HyunJoong has started filming for MBC new drama ‘Mischievous Kiss’ on 24-Jul with Jung SoMin in a residential area in Sungbok-dong, Seoul
**** well,if u would ask me...i dont want KHJ oppa to do a CF together w/ BYJ...i dont want leader to be tag w/ YJ,and it irritates me,comparing leader w/ YJ...leader is leader and YongJoon is Yong Joon****
posted by: 19 frantze
credits : +
(English Translation) xiaochu @