It seems,that HyungJun oppa is recording for that,means MHigh,wont be live???..perhaps,he is recording,so on he's bday he'll be free celebrating???(dnt knw)
Also..the PD of Muhigh tweeted a pic of him ^-^
HyungJun87 - 이 분은 ..? 누구시지.. 전설의 남PD 브라덜~?
(ENG.TRAN: this person is..? Who is he.. he is legendary Nam PD brother~? )

*****so our HJB tweeted a pic of the PD
and the PD (,tweeted pics of HJB********

-MuHigh Jjoon DJ who is tweeting during recording! Go to work! Work! heehee-

-Took another photo of the recording scene. ke-
posted by: 19frantze1
credits: (HyungJun87 +cobain999) @twitter +
eng.trans:xiaochu of Quainte501