Monday, August 2, 2010

{TWITTER} D-na Mika's tweet and The Boss' tweets [02/08/10]+[TRANS]

Mika90628's tweet [02/08/10]

@OHAHOHH 월요병생겼어요ㅠㅠ일본어 수업너무 일찍해요ㅠㅠ

I have Mondayitis* T___T Japanese lessons are very early T____T

*Weariness, sadness, apathy and general distress that people get when the weekends are over and they have to start working

T/N: This was a reply to @OHAHOHH who basically wished everyone a good holiday season and a good start to the week

theboss0304 's tweets [02/08/10]

오래기다리셨죠? 드디어 후속곡이 슬슬 베일을 벗기
시작했습니다! ‘아무도 그 누구도’ !! 무려무려 전진, 이민우 선배님들이 안무제작에 직접! 아이디어를 내고 참여해 주셨답니다. (이건 비밀인데 안무가 정말!!) 이번주 음악방송 닥본사! 아시죠? :D

You’ve waited a long time haven’t you? Finally we are going to unveil the follow-up song.
Let’s start! It’s “Amudo Geu Nugudo” (track 3 of their minialbum, translates to Nobody, Anybody)!! Lee MinWoo sunbae choreographed it directly! I participated in the idea a little bit (but in this case it’s a secret choreography, really!!) It will start to go on music broadcast this week! You know? :D
The follow up song will be ‘No one, anyone…’ (can’t be sure of the translation. but you know the song, right?) I’m very happy to let you all know that Junjin and Minwoo from Shinwha actually made up ‘the chair dance’ for ‘the boss.’ don’t get what it means? you wait and see. we are all so excited and cannot wait to show you all this new song! it’s just great and gorgeous. i don’t think you want to miss the chages of our members! i know many of you wanted another song to be ‘follow-up’, but when you see the performance you will have the idea why this song should be the one. OK! that was it!

everytime i tweet in Korean, int’l fans push me so hard to tweet again in English. haha.
well, i’m not saying i was annoyed! everytime i get int’l fans’ mentions, i really thank for all of you with this great great love for ‘the boss’

keep following us!

if i were you?
well, i don’t think i would make any appointment until i actually see the very first stage of this new song!! :D

Posted by Paolavlsc
credits:as tagged + LuVukis + Source: Mika’s Official Twitter +

{PIC} ss501 Kim Hyung Jun celebrating his 24th bday - 100801

Happy 24th bday to our cute maknae Kim Hyung Jun !!!
Wish him all the best!!....wish,i was there on the party!! :(
but, glad to know that HJB oppa,had fun on the party!!
im sure he really enjoy it ^-^

from : Lina@SS601 + SS501 Baidu

from: PrettyBoy

from : Like Jun + SS501 Baidu

from: + SS501 Baidu

from: Lupin Jun

posted by: 19frantze1
credits : as tagged

{PIC} ss501 HyungJun + JungMin @ HJB's bday party - 100801

waaaaa....our sexy charisma mr.CEO Park Jung Min ^-^
Tom&Jerry moments!!!!!
and once again..JM,made our maknae to cry...
JM mad a vid,saying that he is sorry cause he wont be able to attend
when HJB,was talking bout JM...JM,suddenly appeared on stage..making our maknae to burst into tears...

from : + SS501 Baidu

from : My Orange + SS501 Baidu

from : Attraction + SS501 Baidu

from: No. 43 Park + SS501 Baidu

from: 捕宥 + SS501 Baidu

posted by: 19frantze1
credits: as tagged