annyeong haseyo ^-^ we are fans of kpop... and mostly fan of : SS501 ^^ ( nd also Dalmatian, FTisland , Ukiss , The Boss, BigBang ..etc ) So,we will try to give info/updates bout them.... ^-^ Thanks for visiting..
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
{PIC} Ukiss Xander , Dongho , Kevin's updates [090810]
Kevin’s reply Today Dongho @Dongho Star Golden Bell recording the scene~ ^^ Good job! Finished recording of Star GOLDEN BELL with maknae Dongho~ GOD BLESS!
Xander’s reply
I hope…. ㅠ. ㅠ Give me Kevin!!! Mine!!!!!!!!!
Posted by paolavlsc
Credits: Dongho +Alexander + Kevin's twitter + dazzlingkiss + LuVukiss
{PIC+VID} ss501 Kim Hyun Joong "Ready,Action!" photobook-DVD
{MSG} ss501 Park JungMin's msg on DSP site "This is JungMin" - 100810
안녕하세요~^^ 정민입니당~!
이렇게 또 오래간만에 글을 쓰게되네요~~!
울 Triple S 여러분들은 잘 지내나요?
날씨도 덥고~ 간간히 비도 쏟아지고…!
학생분들은 방학도 했을테고, 직장인 분들은 여름휴가 기간일텐데~~
잘 다녀오셨는지도 궁금하네요..!!
저는 항상 잘 지내고 있습니다~
요즘엔 관리모드예요~~ 몸두 건강히 하고, 마음도 밝게 ~!!
어여 멋쟁이가 되서 인증샷올릴께요..!^^*
음… 오늘 제가 이렇게 글을 쓰는 이유는
지난 번에 약속했었으니까..!
계약을 하게 된다면 제일 먼저 말씀드리겠다고.
많이 고민하고, 또 상의하여 결정했습니다.
이제 새롭게
‘SS501′에서 ‘박정민’이라는 이름으로 다가서려 합니다.
(물론 전 언제나 ‘SS501의 정민’이구요..! 정민 in SS501!)!
제가 이번에 같이 일을 하게 된 회사는 CNR MEDIA 이라는 곳이고,
대만의 ‘코믹리츠(Comic-ritz)와
국내 회사 “ROY MEDIA’가 함께 만든 곳입니다.
많이 걱정되고 긴장도 되지만.
이제 첫걸음을 내딛는 정민이에게 많이 힘이 되어주세요..!
앞으로 더 열심히 노력하고 또 발전하겠습니다.^^
조만간 멋쟁이 인증샷으로 인사드릴께요~~!! 아자잣..^^
Annyonghaseyo~^^ This is Jungmin~!
I’m writing like this again in a long while~~!
Has all our Triple S been living well?
Weather’s been so hot~ Rain pours too at times…!
For students, they have also went on vacation, for working people, they have also went for their summer holiday~~
Wonder if they have all been back safely and happily or not..!!
I’ve always been fine all this while~
Recently I’m in the taking-care-mode~~ Body’s been healthy enough, heart’s been cheerful/bright/light enough ~!!
Because I became a handsome boy, I will upload my proof (a photo) soon..!^^*
eum… The reason why I wrote my entry today
is because I previously made a promise to..!
If I were to sign on to any contract, I will leave a piece here first and foremost.
Was worried much, and after much discussions, I made this decision.
From now on, I will be beginning afresh
with the name of ‘Park Jungmin’ in ‘SS501′.
(Of course no matter when, I’m ‘SS501′s Jungmin’..! Jungmin in SS501!)!
This time, the agency to whom I’ve signed on with is CNR MEDIA,
It is formed by Taiwan’s ‘Comic-ritz’ and our Korea’s “ROY MEDIA”.
Though I’m feeling very worried and anxious.
But to this Jungmin who will now be moving forth with his first new footstep, please give him much strength/support..!
In future, I will work harder and develop better.^^
In a while more, I will be uploading my handsome profile shot to greet you~~!! ajaja..^^
*****hmmm,another member went to diff com...well,we were kinda expecting it,ne???...oh,well of course we will our 501% support to each member....but,but....hmmm******
posted by: 19frantze1
{VID} Ukiss Kibum's confession "My mother raised 2 children alone"
On August 10th broadcast of MBC 'Good Day', U-KISS revealed their 2 days 1 night Navy experiences, as well as their 3 days 2 nights of Japan activities.
In this broadcast, U-KISS Kibum and SS501 Hyungjoon's mother, as well as Kevin's mother made a surprise visit to the recording set of 'Infinity Girls'.
Kevin's and Kibum's mother care for all 7 members of U-KISS like their own children, and it clearly showed when they prepared and brought them their lunch boxes.
Kibum's mood brightened up when he saw his mother. Then, Kibum's mother confessed something that made everyone surprised "If I knew it will be like this, I would have more sons so that they can form an idol group. I only have two. I'm thinking of having more."
Kibum smiled brightly upon hearing his mother's confession before sinking into his own thoughts "In fact, my mother raised my brother and I almost alone during the hard times. Because of this, my brother and I will show our best" and broke down crying. Seeing her son cried, Kibum's mother almost shredded some tears after hearing her son's honest thought.
***aigo,my Kibumie..pls dont cry******cheer up,things went well,ne??****
posted by: 19frantze1
credits: dkpop news
{PIC} DNA/THE BOSS Injun's tweetphoto update [100810]
It's a King iPhone~~^^ It's a cushion but I like it~

Posted by paolavlsc
Credit: Injun's Official Twitter
{PHOTOS} Ukiss Alexander - Dream Team 2 in Hong Kong
[MESSAGE+TRANS] 100809 Hyunmin’s Message
Title : Netizens
Posted by paolavlsc
Credits D-NA’s Official Fancafe (Source) + ✰sheilaananta@enchanteDNA (Translator)+LuVukiss
{MESSAGE+TRANS} DNA/The BOSS Injun's message 090810
오랜만에 또 이렇게 글을 남기게 되네요ㅜㅜㅜ
이제 후속곡 아무도 그누구도 활동을 드디어 시작하게 되었네요~~~~
타이틀곡 만큼이나 욕심을 가지고 열심히 준비한만큼 팬여러분들이
기뻐해주셨으면 좋겠어요~~~~~ㅜㅜㅜ
항상 다른모습과 변화된모습으로 신서한 모습을 보여드리기위해서
어제 방송에ㅠㅠ팬분들이 어쩔수없는 상황때문에 저희 방송보기위해서
기다리셨는데 못들어오게 되서 너무 안타까워요……ㅠㅠ
눈물을 보이셨다는 얘기를듣고 가슴이 너무 아팠네요…
편지에 아쉬움이 가득보이는 글들을 읽고나서 죄송한마음이 한구석에
아직도 남아 있는거같아서 이렇게 글을 남기게되었습니다.!!!
팬여러분들이 눈물을 보일때마다 저희는 안타깝고..어찌할바를 몰라서
너무너무 슬퍼요…ㅠㅠ다음번 방송에서는 꼭저희 무대보고~아쉬움을
훌훌 털어버리셨으면 좋겠습니다~~~저희 대국남아도 항상 발전하고
팬여러분들의 사랑 잊지않고 열심히 하겠습니다!!!!
English Translation
Hello~I’m Joon~
I ended up writing something here after a long timeㅜㅜㅜ
Finally we started our activities again with our follow-up song~~~~
We hope our fans could be happy with what we prepared, because we prepared it as much as how we prepared
our title song~~~~~ㅜㅜㅜ
We worked so hard so we could present a different and changing images of us.!! Yesterday at the stageㅠㅠBecause of something, some
of our fans have to wait to watch us And at last they couldn’t enter the
venue, it’s a shame……ㅠㅠ My heart hurts a lot when I heard that some of our fans cried… I write this message because I read in some letters that our fans are feeling bad.
I’m writing this while I’m still having this sorry heart.!!!
We’re frustrated every time our fans showed their tears..
I don’t know why but I’m very very sad…ㅠㅠNext time, be sure to watch our stage~ And I hope you all could throw away that regret~~~
We, D-NA, will always work hard for a development, and will never forget fans’ love!!!!
I love you all~
Posted by paolavlsc
Source: D-NA’s Official Fancafe
{MESSAGE+TRANS} D-Na /The Boss Mika's message 090810
저 응원소리 들렸어요^^
그러니까 미안하단말 하지말구….
여러분 소리는 들리니까
이제 울지마요….ㅜㅜ
English Translation
It’s Mika ^^
Everyone ^^
I heard the cheers of support ^^
Because of
that, don’t say you’re sorry…
Because we heard
Please stop crying now…T_T
I love you ♥Posted by paolavlsc
Credits: Official Daum Cafe + EnchanteDNA + LuVukiss
Translations: x3sarang@enchanteDNA